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Windward Online – ADHD:  Attention Doesn’t Half Describe It 

October 15, 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm UTC+0

ADHD: Attention Doesn’t Half Describe It

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a medical disorder not of attention, but of self-regulation.   It is a complex disorder that affects potentially any aspect of life, from education and peer relations to overall health.

It is vital for any parent, educator or provider to create an organized and flexible plan to manage this complex, chronic medical disorder.  Understanding both ADHD and what to do about it can impact a child’s entire future.   This talk will answer practical questions, such as, What are common ADHD symptoms beyond focus, impulsivity and hyperactivity, and how does ADHD relate to executive function?  Why does ADHD impact everything from academics to stress, obesity to peer relations? This lecture includes up to date research into both
medical and non-medical treatments of ADHD, as well as signs that may indicate
children have it … or do not. It covers diagnosis, common conditions that occur along with ADHD, and research-based medical, behavioral, educational and complementary care.

Registration link: https://register.thewindwardinstitute.org/cour-work-lect/p/adhd-attention-doesnt-half-describe-it-tuesday-october-15-430-600-pm-est

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